About Us

About Green Energy Solar

Welcome to Renewable Energy Company UK (RECUK), your trusted partner for cutting-edge renewable energy solutions. With a deep-rooted expertise in solar panels and batteries, we are committed to revolutionizing how you harness the power of the sun.

What sets us apart is our extensive network of locally registered MCS installers, ensuring that your installation is not just high-quality but also seamlessly integrated into your property. Our emphasis on quality extends to using only Monocrystalline solar panels, known for their superior efficiency and longevity compared to cheaper Polycrystalline options.

With us, you can expect more than just products; you'll experience a commitment to excellence in every step of your renewable energy journey.

Let's shape a brighter, greener future together.

Why Choose Us

Providing Solar Energy Solutions


Harnessing the power of renewable energy for sustainable solutions across all sectors.


Providing peace of mind with reliable warranties on our products and services.

Quality work

Delivering excellence through meticulous attention to detail and skilled craftsmanship.

24*7 Support

Ensuring round-the-clock assistance and prompt response to all your queries and needs.